We are offering 2 Tumbling Classes that both Dancers & Cheerleaders can join starting Sept 2024 until goes until the end of June 2025…

We ask for a 3-month commitment to register for this class and a 1-month notification for early termination.

Tumbling for dancers is especially designed to teach dancers the skills that are typically added in Dance solos and team routines. Dancers will begin by mastering their Beginner skills: cartwheels, walkovers (both front and back) and splits. Then, they’ll begin working towards attaining their aerials, back handsprings, front handsprings, front aerials and flips.

Saturdays 9:00 – 10:00am   LINK HERE to register for this class

Saturdays 12:00 – 1:00pm   LINK HERE to register for this class

Classes are $70 +gst per month for a 1 hr class weekly
*There is a $25 +gst Annual Membership & Insurance Fee