Registration is now open for our 3-month September to December FALL Session:
This session is 3 months of FUN Cheer & Tumble Combo Classes.
There is no uniform, mandatory apparel/shoes and no competitions.
This is a great class to learn cheer skills, tumbling skills and a introduction to the sport of Cheer.
It starts Sat, Sept 7th and ends the week before School closes for Christmas Break: Sat, Dec 21st.
Cost is $175.00 +gst for all 3 Months.
Use THIS LINK and scroll down alphabetically to “FALL Cheer & Tumble” and enroll in the class that works best for you.
*Athletes in this 3-Month Session may register for a Half Year Team that starts in Sept 2025 (next season).
For Fall 2024, we are offering 3 Different Days/times:
- Mondays 4:00-5:00pm 6-10Yrs
- Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm 3-8 Yrs
- Saturdays 10:00-11:00am 4-7 Yrs
Message the gym if you wish to join this class and you have questions.
Please note:
- Entrance is through the front doors
- Exit is out the back doors
- No parents or spectators are permitted inside at this time. We do understand if a parent is needed with a young child for the first class(es) (2-5 Yr olds). – just let the staff know at the start of their first class.
- We are doing OPEN VIEWING the last week of every month:
- April 27-May 3
- May 27-June 1
- Last Class of session
- If you’re new to the gym, we wear comfortable athletic apparel and either indoor shoes or barefoot for all of our recreational programming.
- Bring a water bottle along with you and make sure your child’s name is on everything they bring to the gym
As a gym, we ask you to stay home if you’re experiencing any flu like or covid like symptoms and return once you are feeling better.